We watched the parade and walked to the cenotaph for the service. It was really moving and focused on peace and the peacemakers, thinking about respecting the past but also being able to make positive changes in the future to stop persecution and wars.
While a prayer was being said, that I saw a beautiful butterfly flutter over the heads of those standing there.
As it was a cold morning and I had not seen a butterfly for weeks, this felt really special.
I love butterflies for their beauty and what they symbolise – New life, change, peace, spiritual rebirth and hope.
It just seemed a sign that it appeared during a prayer on Remembrance Sunday when we are honouring those who have died and been injured to bring change and stop persecution and war.
I can’t think of a more fitting symbol to see at that moment and to remind us that we can be peacemakers. In small ways, we can show compassion and kindness to others. We can react to conflict with forgiveness and love. And we can open up our hearts to those in pain.
While we remember the past, we don’t live there. We can learn our lessons and use these to bring positive changes in our lives and those around us. Today is a new day.